Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Open House Brochure

     Our next project was to make a brochure for Barnstable High School's Open House that would in the end be sent home to our parents so that they knew what was going on.  Many tools were also used in this project. We used tools such as the type tool, the Elliptical Marquee tool, and then all of the tools to edit the text. First we made a circle by holding the shift key while using the Elliptical Marquee tool. Then we wrote "Barnstable High School" by using the type tool, which we then edited to form an arc that would follow the line of the circle. Then we wrote "Parents Welcome" in a different color that contrasts the color of the circle and the other title. Then we used the type tool yet again to write "OPEN HOUSE." Once that was written we edited the text so that it looked Beveled and Embossed. Lastly we type one last time "SEPT. 16th" and put a darker border around the outside of the text.

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