Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brain Project

     There were many things that this brain project taught me. First we had to make a list of 60 things in our lives that we like. This to me was a challenge at first because I couldn't think of what to write, however once I got into it, it turned out to be easier then I thought. Once we had the list completed we had to go onto the internet and find pictures that showed what we liked. All of the pictures we got had to be large or else they wouldn't work. Once you found the picture you wanted to use on Google you had to click on it, zoom in as much as possible, then save it. I did all of my pictures wrong in the beginning because I didn't get the picture to its largest view. After you found all 60 pictures you had to edit them down to just what you were talking about. So you had to go from a pile of sour patch kids to just one. This was a very long process that turned out to be very difficult. We used tools such as the eraser and the different lasso tools. Once you edited all 60 pictures you had to take a picture of yourself looking up. Then you had to cut off your forehead and rotate it so that it looked like your head was opening up. Next you imported your photos into the picture and re-sized them along with placing them in a way that made them look like a rainbow coming from your head. Lastly you put a gradient of what ever color you wanted to fade from that color to white.

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