This project was definitely not one of my favorites that we have done this year. We had to make articles for a newspaper to resemble that of the World Weekly News; a fictitious newspaper which reports on ridiculous stories of mainly stars of modern pop culture. The point was to create 4 different articles; 1 from the Arts, 1 from sci-fi, 1 from politics, and 1 from myths. We first spent a couple of days actually writing out our stories in pages. When the project first came into my mind I thought that it would be a breeze, yet proved to be much harder then I had once perceived. Once I actually sat down to write the stories, I just couldn't form the words to make the story. Once I got that done, we the had to create the feature pictures to go along with the articles in photoshop. After this we put both of them into in-design. Mr. Sullivan had us try and learn from a tutorial on youtube, yet it didn't help much with what we specifically needed. The way we used the tools was most likely the incorrect way, however we improvised so that the project came out how we needed it to. In-Design was immensely different from Photoshop however i did learn the basics of it.