This project was easily my favorite so far. We first had to choose a theme for our font that we would be able to make the entire alphabet (CAPITALS and lower case) along with the numbers 0-9. For me this was very easy because the theme I chose was lacrosse, which had straight lines (lacrosse sticks and cleats), and curves(goggles, mouthguards, and lacrosse balls). Actually making the letters wasn't as difficult as it seems. As long as you knew how to use tools such as warp, scale, and rotate you were all set. Once we made each letter individually we had to put them all into the same document in Photoshop, then typed "Hello, Goodbye" and our names. Marissa, Emma, and I took the song "Hello Goodbye" by The Beatles, and split the lyrics up throughout our class. Each person made their specific assigned words on an 8x11, 150 DPI so that we could put them into an iMovie, in such a way that the lyrics were in sync with the audio of the song. iMovie was a new program that I have never used before this class, and at first I was very frustrated with it, however it ended up to very easy once you got used to it.