Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wizard of Oz

         This project was to create a scene from some important childhood story book. I decided to make the Emerald City from the Wizard of Oz. This scene had to be made in some way, using brushes we downloaded from the internet. I used the Chris Wahl brushes to make the grass and the clouds in the sky.   Overall this project taught me how to download and use new brushes, along with seeing how each one worked.

Hello Goodbye

Once everyone in the class had completed the alphabet we divided up the words of the song Hello Goodbye by the Beatles. We then made each individual person a list of their words that they had to make  and then send to us. Once we received them we put all of them into one iMovie project. After they were all in, and in the order in which they belong we set them each in time with the song.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


     This project was definitely not one of my favorites that we have done this year. We had to make articles for a newspaper to resemble that of the World Weekly News; a fictitious newspaper which reports on ridiculous stories of mainly stars of modern pop culture. The point was to create 4 different articles; 1 from the Arts, 1 from sci-fi, 1 from politics, and 1 from myths. We first spent a couple of days actually writing out our stories in pages. When the project first came into my mind I thought that it would be a breeze, yet proved to be much harder then I had once perceived. Once I actually sat down to write the stories, I just couldn't form the words to make the story. Once I got that done, we the had to create the feature pictures to go along with the articles in photoshop. After this we put both of them into in-design. Mr. Sullivan had us try and learn from a tutorial on youtube, yet it didn't help much with what we specifically needed. The way we used the tools was most likely the incorrect way, however we improvised so that the project came out how we needed it to. In-Design was immensely different from Photoshop  however i did learn the basics of it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Own Font

This project was easily my favorite so far. We first had to choose a theme for our font that we would be able to make the entire alphabet (CAPITALS and lower case) along with the numbers 0-9. For me this was very easy because the theme I chose was lacrosse, which had straight lines (lacrosse sticks and cleats), and curves(goggles, mouthguards, and lacrosse balls). Actually making the letters wasn't as difficult as it seems. As long as you knew how to use tools such as warp, scale, and rotate you were all set. Once we made each letter individually we had to put them all into the same document in Photoshop, then typed "Hello, Goodbye" and our names. Marissa, Emma, and I took the song "Hello Goodbye" by The Beatles, and split the lyrics up throughout our class. Each person made their specific assigned words on an 8x11, 150 DPI so that we could put them into an iMovie, in such a way that the lyrics were in sync with the audio of the song. iMovie was a new program that I have never used before this class, and at first I was very frustrated with it, however it ended up to very easy once you got used to it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

School of Fish

   This project was done to show us the technique of using the blur tools. First we had to create a gradient background from light to dark. After that we saved a picture of a fish from Google, opened it, turned it to gray-scale, deleted all the white, and saved the new image as a brush preset. Then you went back into the picture with your gradient, selected the paintbrush, and painted in different sized fish that were also different colors.  Once that was done we went onto a new layer and added the streaks of light. To do this you used the paintbrush that looked like dirt, using white, then used the blue filter. Next you had to make the sand, you used a yellow brown, added noise, changed the opacity so that it blended in better. Then the bubbles had to be put in. To do this you made a circle, filled it with white, added a black highlight along with a black border. Next you had to turn this into yet another brush preset. Lastly we saved another picture of a texture so that it gave the effect of it looking more like water and not just paint.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mid-year Poster

This was our midterm for Graphic Arts. We were handed a picture and were told to recreate it. Some of the things were easy to duplicate however others were tasks that we hadn't talked about in a while. For example the clouds were the same cloud just flipped. Also you had to make sure you added the correct drop shadow on the words "Happiness is" other wise it wouldn't look right. I thought that this midterm was a good test to see what we have actually learned, and also to show yourself what you have learned to with Photoshop.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Posters

      This project was one that allowed us to make more decisions on our own. We had to choose 2 major and 2 minor holidays. I chose Christmas, and Halloween, along with Dr. Seuss Day and Armed Forces day. Then you made a list of things that go along with that holiday.  Next we went on Google and found 16 pictures for things that coordinate with each holiday yet they had to be real life pictures, not graphic images. After that we converted each into a graphic image, basically by adding a new layer and using different tools so that we re-made the image on top of it. Lastly we put them all into one picture each with a different opacity along with the title of the holiday on the bottom.